With the Google Book Search Data API, you simply post an XML-encoded < entry> containing the book's unique volume identifier to the user's library feed. 使用GoogleBookSearchDataAPI,您只需POST一个包含图书的唯一卷标识符的XML编码到用户的图书馆提要。
The page action method then mines the request URL to determine the type of data and the data identifier, loads that data, and then navigates to the appropriate template. 然后,该页面动作方法利用请求URL,以判断数据类型和数据标识符,加载数据,然后导航到适当的模板。
The Performance Manager tracks business service enrollments and other transaction data required for reporting through an identifier supplied to the system. PerformanceManager通过向系统提供的标识符跟踪业务服务登记和需要报告的其他事务数据。
Some data sources could have even more extreme, non-intuitive abbreviations, such as J9 to mean client or O1 to indicate identifier. 如图3所示:例如缩写CL,它表示client,缩写NR表示number等等。有些数据源的缩写很极端,并不是人们的常规想法,例如J9表示client,或者O1表示的是identifier等等。
The API returns data in a format that groups instances that were launched together under the same reservation identifier. API以集合实例的格式返回数据,这些实例是在同样的保留标识符下加载在一起的。
In the dialog, select one of the other document types and supply example data for the other fields as suggested in Figure 11 ( remembering to use the same customer identifier as you used in the initial data entry step). 在对话框中,选择其他一种文档类型,提供其他字段的示例数据,如图11中所示(记住使用与您在初始数据输入步骤中使用的标识符相同的客户标识符)。
For the data mapping, shown in Figure 32, the process identifier is again used for correlation, however in this case there is no additional business data passed in to be processed. 对于数据映射,如图32中所示,可以再次使用流程标识符进行关联,但在本例中没有传入额外的业务数据进行处理。
The data grid has two columns, name and identifier. 数据表格有两个列,即name和identifier。
REFERENCE, in turn, is a system type that is the data type of the object identifier column of any typed table. 反过来,REFERENCE是一个系统类型,它是任何类型化表的对象标识符的数据类型。
Data Link Connection Identifier 数据链路连接识别器
The serial data stream from the DOUT pin has a channel identifier bit and a mode identifier bit, which provide information about the channel converted and the current mode of operation. DOUT引脚的串行数据流有一个通道识别位和一个模式识别位,可提供所转换通道和当前工作模式的相关信息。
In the shape data window, click the name field, and then type the area identifier, such as office room number. 在“形状数据”窗口中,单击“名称”字段,然后键入区域标识符,例如办公室房间号码。
There is never confusion over what data is returned from a cache involving a version-dependent identifier. 从一个包括版本依赖标识符的缓存中返回数据不会令人困惑。
Unknown the data source has ambiguous rules regarding identifier case and cannot discern this information. 数据源的标识符大小写规则不明确,无法识别此信息。
Each Data Link Connection Identifier ( DLCI) supported by the interface is reported as active or inactive. 接口支持的每个数据链路连接识别符(DLCI)是按现行的或者非现行的方式报告出来。
This way we did not have to care about the physical location of our data within memory, we simply used its identifier whenever we wanted to refer to our variable. 这样我们就不必关心我们的数据在内存中的实际物理位置,我们每次想引用我们的变量时只需使用它的标识符即可。
The item icon identification data object contains an icon identifier for each item. 项目图标标识符数据对象为每个项目包含一个图标标识符。
The result shows that the distributed chemistry data resources can be effectively integrated by the compound identifier, whereas very little transplant work is needed. 结果表明,基于化合物标识信息的数据整合策略,化学数据网格可以满足异地异构化学数据资源整合的需要,并能保证对原有工作的继承。
Current DHT-based P2P systems only support querying data by exactly matching the whole data identifier. 现有的基于DHT的P2P系统只能通过精确匹配整个数据识别器来查询数据。
Data identifier sorted method can find the wait for the lock ahead. 按标识符排序加锁法可以较早地发现锁等待。
After data preprocessing and included work completed, each record need a scientific data coding as identifier by set a unique serial number. 当数据预处理和收录工作完成以后,需要进行科学的数据编码,为每一条记录设置唯一的序列号作为标识。
Only the physical layer and the data link layer are defined in CAN field bus, but the usage of identifier and data in CAN message are not defined in application layer. 控制器局域网CAN定义了物理层和数据链路层,但没有在应用层定义报文标识符和数据字节的使用。
However, we can always get some information of the data objects to be analyzed, and we find that a small amount of known information can help find the data object identifier or constraint information between two instances. 但是,现实生活中我们对数据的信息并不是一无所知,并且我们发现通过这些少量的已知信息能够找到数据对象标识或相互之间的约束信息。
The current FTL which is combined with the queue count-based hot data identifier achieves a better performance in garbage collection efficiency and wear leveling. 本文所设计的结合队列计数热数据识别方法的FTL算法在垃圾回收的效率和磨损均衡等方面均达到了较好的性能。
To solving the question of associations of entities from heterogeneous data sources and entity identifier mapping, the meta-database was introduced in data integration platform, and gives the design mode of meta-database. 在集成平台中引入元数据库来解决异构数据源实体关联和实体编码映射问题,并给出了元数据库的设计模式。
In this paper, it adopt feature selection as machine learning scheme and took proper number of features as training data to create a identifier with high accuracy. 本文以支持向量机为基础,采用了一种基于特征提取的机器学习方案,通过选取合适数量的特征作为训练数据形成分类精度最高的酶识别器。
During the data update, it calculates the access popularity of each block group with the hot data identifier. Thus, the block group in the system is divided into cold, warm and hot types. 在进行数据更新时,使用热数据识别算法计算每个块组的访问热度,从而将系统内的块组按热权值分为冷、温、热三类。
Therefore, the performance of the hot data identifier directly affects the performance of the FTL algorithm designed in the current research. 因此,热数据识别算法性能的好与坏直接影响到本文所设计的FTL算法的性能。